The Best New AI Products

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The Best New AI Tools That Launched This Week (1 December 2023)

Meet the best new AI tools we played with this week.

Did we miss any? Let us know on Twitter.


Faircado is an AI assistant that discovers exceptional second-hand deals for you.

Follow on Twitter: @Faircado


Recall enables you to summarize, categorize and review any online content with AI.

Follow on Twitter: @recall_wiki


WallesAI is your personal AI assistant that provides instant insights and answers from any site or PDF in the browser.

Follow on Twitter: @Walles_AI


SchoolXpress is an AI-powered platform that turns your notes, books, and learning materials into a personalized and interactive learning journey.

Follow on Twitter: @SchoolXpress


Postli enables you to generate LinkedIn posts seamlessly using AI.

Follow on Twitter: @shnai0 is an AI-driven landing page builder that requires no coding.

Follow on Twitter: @nocodelife

Track AI Answers

Track AI Answers assists you to track answers about your personal or company brand from all the different AI-chatbots.

Follow on Twitter: @trackAIanswers


LiarLiar is a lie detection tool that harnesses the power of AI to detect lies and heart rate fluctuations.

Follow on Twitter: @liarliarai


Walling converts your idea into a fully developed project in seconds with AI.

Follow on Twitter: @wallingapp


Manot is an AI observability platform for computer vision models.

Follow on Twitter: @manot_ai


Markprompt is the AI-driven platform for customer support.

Follow on Twitter: @markprompt


Syllaby is an AI-powered tool that transforms the process of social media video creation.

Follow on Twitter: @TrySyllaby


Docufai is your AI-driven document assistant.

Follow on Twitter: @getdocufai


Adola enables you to provide your AI assistant with a phone number and a human-like voice.

Follow on Twitter: @AdolaAI


Blenny seamlessly integrates AI vision into your browser, empowering you to analyze information effortlessly from any corner of the web.

Follow on Twitter: @BlennyAI